Thursday 15 November 2018

Radio Advertising

3 different advertising structures:

One-off advertisements are outside of an advertising campaign and not linked to any other adverts. They are usually used for a special promotion on a product. One-off ads are used to advertise a certain product and are usually the only advertisement for that product

Part of a Series:
Series ads are advertisements that link together and are often part of a larger advertising campaign for the product or the brand in general. Advertisements in a series are often similar to each other so that they are recognisable and can instantly be linked with the brand/product.

Drama advertisements are designed to be entertaining or inspirational and can contain a lot of music and sounds. They often have a dramatic voiceover

Sound Bed:

A sound bed is the collection of different sounds that play throughout a piece of media (sound effects, music, dialogue)

Diegetic Sound: Sound thats source is inside the media and can be heard by the characters featured

Non-Diegetic Sound: Sound that has been added in editing and the source is not inside the media. Can only be heard by the audience

Wednesday 31 October 2018

Film Magazine Assignment


My film magazine is called 'Movie Mashup' will be a film review magazine, the majority of the contents will purely be film reviews however there will also be some interviews and news but not as many as compared to the reviews. The purpose of this magazine is to provide information on movies to readers in the form of reviews. The magazine will focus on wide variety of movie genres to draw in a wider audience. The target audience of the magazine will be older teenagers to young adults in the age range of sixteen to twenty. Although the magazine can appeal to both genders it will mostly be targeted towards males through its visual style and movies featured.

Each issue of the magazine will feature one large main review which will be an in-depth extensive review of the film in question, the film that is the subject of the main review does not have entirely new however it must be a film released in the same year as the issue so the film may be a few months old. Each issue will also contain a collection of smaller reviews on other movies, the movies covered by these reviews will mostly be newer releases that won't get there own main review, such as animated movies or smaller releases. 'Monthly Movies' is a segment that highlight the movies that are released in the current month. It is designed to help people decide what to see if they want to go to the cinema.

Will magazine will include a segment called 'Awesome Animation!' which takes a closer look at the art style and animation of newly released or upcoming animated movies. This segment is designed to help readers better appreciate the effort and thought that goes in to making an animated movie. The Realm of Obscurity is another segment of the magazine that reviews a more obscure movie when compared to other movies covered by the magazine. Films covered in this segment will usually be older movie that have are not as relevant anymore or have been completely forgotten. This will introduce the newer generation to older movies. 'The Star Seat' is a segment that contains multiple short interviews with different people that all worked on the same movie, whether they are an actor or a member of the crew, this allows for the reader to see different perspectives of the same movie.

Every issue of the magazine will contain a competition to win various prizes ranging from tickets to movie premieres to movie merchandise or memorabilia. Each issue will also contain a page at the back that gives the reader as sneak peak at the nest issue of the magazine by telling them what movie is going to be the subject of the next issue's main review.





Secondary Research About Other Film Magazines

Empire is a British film magazine that publishes a new issue every month and is published by Bauer Consumer Media, although it was originally published by Emap Consumer Media however they were brought by Bauer Media Group in 2008. The first issue of Empire was published in July 1989, 29 years ago, and was edited by Barry McIlheney. Empire magazines contain a variety of content from film news, reviews and previews to countdowns for movie related topics different topics. Issues also contain interview segments with actors, directors and other celebrities such as a segment called 'How Much Is A Pint Of Milk?' in which celebrities are asked 'silly' questions. Most issues of Empire contain a feature known as 'The Empire Masterpiece' which is a two page essay on a film that is randomly selected by Empire.

This specific issue featured in the picture is issue 255was published in September 2010 and was edited by Mark Dinning. The main colour used on the cover of the magazine is red. The magazine cover features an image of Scott Pilgrim from the movie 'Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World' as well as the title of said film. The cover of the magazine is stylised similar to the movie that it is promoting, as both heavily use the colour red and similar 'cartoonish' fonts, which makes the film on the cover more recognisable.The cover also shows some of the other contents inside the magazine which cover other films. Readers who like multiple of the movies featured or stated on the cover will be more likely to buy the magazine.

Total Film is another British film magazine. Total Film is also published monthly but also has a special summer issue that is published once a year, the magazines are published by Future Publishing. The first issue was published in February 1997 and the first summer special issue was published in 2004, digital versions of the issues are available on the iPad. Total Film magazines contain interviews with actors and directors, similar to Empire, as well as 'the making of' 'on-set' sections regarding new or upcoming films. a major feature in every issue of Total Film is the 'Total Film Interview' which is an six page long in-depth interview with and actor or director. Issues also have section that contains letters, emails and feedback from readers. Total Film also contains some other regular features such as 'Ever Met Tom Cruise?' which are interviews with behind the scenes crew, 'You Talkin' To Me?' where celebrities answer question posed as movie quotes and the '60 Second Screenplay' which is a cut-down version of a movie script that is meant to be humorous. Total Film has a wide variety of features and segments, similar to Empire.

The issue of Total Film depicted is depicts Deadpool on the cover. 'Deadpool' is a mix of a comedy and action movie similar to 'Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World', however the way Total Film depicts Deadpool is very different to the way Empire depicts Scott Pilgrim. The actual image used focuses more on the comedy part of the film opposed to the action as it shows Deadpool holding a water gun. The style of the magazine's cover remains the same rather then change to fit the film's style, unlike Empire. A lot of the font is in green which is a direct contrast to Deadpool himself, who is red, other font colours used are black and white which all go well with each other but make Deadpool stand out more on the cover, in turn making him more noticeable which will draw the attention of fans of the character. The cover also contains a lot more text then Empire's cover and thus provides more information about the contents of the magazine.

Primary Research

Tasks 7 & 8: Charts and Analysis

1. What genres of films do you like or want to see covered in the magazine?

Action - 2 / 20%
Biographical - 1 / 10%
Horror - 3 / 30%
Psycho-thriller - 1 / 10%
Rom-com - 1 / 10%
Comedy - 1 / 10%
Everything - 1 /10%

The results of this question show that the majority of people (30%) would like to see content on horror movies in the magazine, action was the second most popular pick (20%) however there was a wide variety of different genres suggested as well as one person who answered that the magazine should cover every genre. Based on this feedback the magazine will cover a wide variety of different genres due to many people having different preferences when it comes to what genre they like

2. What segments would you like to see in the magazine? e.g. Interviews or Reviews

Interviews - 4 / 40&
Reviews - 5 / 50%
Both - 1 / 10%

The results of this question show that the majority of people (50%) would like to see reviews in the magazine however interviews were also a very popular pick (40%) and one person also suggested that the magazine include both interviews and reviews. Based on this feedback the magazine will have a primary focus on reviews with a small section for interviews however instead of containing one big interviews it will contain a collection of small interviews

3. Would you prefer to see content covering new films or older films?

New Films - 7 / 70%
Old Films - 0 / 0%
Both - 3 / 30%

The results for this question show that the majority of people (70%) would prefer to see content covering newer films then older films. Although no one said they would prefer content covering older films there were some people who said that they would like to see content covering both new and old films. Based on this feedback the magazine will mostly cover new, recent or upcoming releases which helps make the magazine relevant as if it were to only cover older films then the relevancy of the magazine will fall and readers will not be as interested as the magazine would only contain movies that they may have already seen. However there will be one section in each issue that covers one older film, this section will always be limited to one older film and the rest of the magazine will cover movies that were released in the same year as the issue.

4. Would you like to see content covering animated films or exclusively live action?

Live Action - 6 / 60%
Animated - 2 / 20%
Both - 2 / 20%

The results for this question show that the majority of people (60%) think that the magazine should cover live action films and only (20%) thought that the magazine should cover animated films. Some people thought that the magazine should include at least some content that covers both kinds of movies. Based on this feedback the magazine will cover live action movies with occasional content covering animated movies. Animated movies will be covered in the mini review section of the magazine as well as the awesome animation section which takes a closer look at an animated movie however, other then monthly movies, the rest of the magazine will be about live action films.

5. Would you like to see interviews with the stars of movies or put actors of more minor characters in the spotlight?

Stars of the films - 5 / 50%
Minor characters - 2 / 20%
Both - 3 / 30%

The results for this question show that half of the total people asked think that the interviews should be with the stars of the film however just as many would also like to see interviews with the actors of more minor / side characters with 20% of people saying that the interviews should be with said actors and 30% of people saying that the interviews should be a mix of both the stars and minor character actors. Based on this feedback interviews will be contained to a small section of the magazine that will contain multiple small interviews with different people who worked on the same movie, including both actors and behind the scenes workers, this gives people different perspectives on the same movie through interviews and pleases both halves of the audience.

6. Would you prefer to read a physical magazine or a digital one online?

Digital / Online - 2 / 20%
Physical Copy - 6 / 60%
Both - 2 / 20%

The results for this question show that the majority of people (60%) would prefer to have a physical copy of the magazine however there are still some people who would prefer to read a digital copy of the magazine online. Based on these results the magazine will have a monthly physical release but for the few people who want it there will be a digital copy available for download on an app, however the digital copy will cost a little more than the physical copy. This is because fewer people want it and because unlike a physical copies they can easily be taken anywhere if on a phone or tablet and cannot be physically damaged.

7.  How much would you be willing to pay for this magazine?

£0.00 - £0.50 - 0 / 0%
£0.51 - £1.00 - 1 / 10%
£1.01 - £1.50 - 1 / 10%
£1.51 - £2.00 - 2 / 20%
£2.01 - £2.50 - 1 / 10%
£2.51 - £3.00 - 3 / 30%
£3.01 - £3.50 - 1 / 10%
£3.50 - £4.00 - 1 / 10%

The results of this question show that the majority of people (30%) would be willing to pay between £2.51 and £3.00 for the magazine. However many people have given different answers and people are willing to pay a wide variety of prices for the magazine. The price of a magazine will affect whether people will by it, if the magazine is priced at a higher price then the people who answered lower prices may no longer be interested in buying the magazine as it is 'too expensive'. Based on this the magazine will be priced at £2.00  that way the majority of people who answered get the magazine at a priced that they will be satisfied with but without making the magazine too cheap.1

8. What would you expect to see on the cover of the magazine?

Bold Titles - 1 / 10%
Images of actors/actresses - 3 / 30%
Images of characters from a film - 2 / 20%
Bright colours - 3 / 30%
Contents - 1 / 10%

The results of this question show that 30% of people would expect to see bright colours on the cover of the magazine in order to catch the attention of people who see it in a shop. Another 30% of people would expect to see images of actors or actresses on the cover. A fair amount of people thought that the pictures should be of characters from a film covered in the magazine instead of the actor. One person thought that the cover should show the contents of the magazine and another person thought that the cover should have bold titles. Based on this feedback the magazine will contain a mix of different suggestion. The title will be bold and bright. The main image on the cover will be of a character from a film featured in the magazine, although the majority of people said images of the actors I agree with the people who said images of characters as the magazine covers more about the films that the actors are in over the actors themselves so showing them as their character on the cover tells the audience that its about that character and film and not about the actor, it also helps to promote the movie which is one of the goals of the magazine. The cover will also show glimpses or titles of different articles in the magazine which gives the audience an idea of what will be in the magazine and what to expect.

9.  Would you like to see contests in the magazine?

Yes - 10 / 100%
No - 0 / 0%

The results of this question show that 100% of people asked would like to see contests and competitions present in the magazine. Based on this feedback each issue of the magazine will contain a competition for the readers to enter. The prizes of each competition will vary and contain different items from movie related merchandise to tickets to go see upcoming movie premieres and a collection of different movies on DVD. Competitions will be designed to be easy to enter for readers of the magazine.

10. Would you be interested in reading this magazine?

Yes - 10 / 100%
No - 0 / 0%

The results of this question show that 100% of people asked would be interested in reading the magazine if it were ever published. This shows that the ideas for the magazine have interested people and a actual magazine needs to use these ideas in order to keep the interest of the people who would've liked to read the magazine as if the final product includes none of these features then people will lose interest and will no longer like to read the magazine which means the audience of people who would buy the magazine has shrunk.

Wednesday 10 October 2018

How to make a complaint to the ASA

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Click the 'Make a complaint button'

Step 3: Read the notice

Step 4: Scroll down and click continue

Step 5: Select 'Member of the Public'

Step 6: Fill out the complaint form and press continue

The Purpose of Commercial Radio [350 words]

Commercial radio stations are often free for listeners to tune in to however this mean that they must find some other way to earn money. These radio stations earn their profit or revenue by airing radio advertisements on the station in between songs or shows, other companies pay the radio stations to air their ads on their station, this is how commercial radio is funded. The main purpose of commercial radio is to generate money so that it can continue to air however there are other smaller purposes as to how it generates said money.

One of these purposed is sponsored content. There are often times when are particular show on the radio station is sponsored by a company or product. This means that a company is supplying the station with money in return for advertising or publicity. However this is slightly different from normal advertisement as companies are not paying for a specific time slot for there advertisement but instead for publicity throughout the course of the show, this can range from the station stating the sponsor every time the show come back on or goes off before and after ad breaks or can sometimes even tie in to a part of the show such as competition where the prize is a product from the company that is sponsoring the station.

Another purpose of commercial radio is seasonal awareness. This is when a commercial radio station takes advantage of seasons or national holidays to generate more money. For example, during December most radio stations play a lot of Christmas songs and hold event or competitions related to the season. One well known example of this is Capital Radio which holds events such as the summertime ball in summer and jingle bell ball near Christmas.

Competitions also play a part in the purpose of commercial radio they can also generate money form the radio station as most competitions on radio stations have a small entry fee however many people listening enter the competitions so despite each individual payment only being a small amount the end result is still a profit.

Thursday 4 October 2018

Regulatory Bodies

A regulatory agency/regulatory body is a public authority or government agency responsible for exercising autonomous authority over some area of activity in a regulatory or supervisory capacity
(Wikipedia). They put set rules in place that must be followed before something that cab be exposed for to the public.

An example of rules in place for commercial radio is that any advertisements they air have to be appropriate for all ages, this also applies to all of the radio's content, certain content may have to be censored or have portions of it completely removed before it may be deemed suitable to air

When creating an advertisement there are many things that must be taken into account:

  • The time it will air
  • What the advertisement is promoting
  • The contents of the advertisement
  • Who the advertisement involves

Thursday 27 September 2018

Commercial Radio

Commercial radio are radio stations that generate profit or revenue by playing radio advertisements and promotions on the station for listeners to hear. Commercial radio stations are often free to listen to as all of their money is generated through advertisers paying them to play their advert on the station.

Wednesday 26 September 2018


This film magazine will have a new issue published once a month and will promote the latest films and provide information on where readers can view them. The magazine will also contain film reviews, new and interviews with the cast and crew of popular films.

1. What genres of films do you like or want to see covered in the magazine?

2. What segments would you like to see in the magazine? e.g. Interviews or Reviews

3. Would you prefer to see content covering new films or older films?

4. Would you like to see content covering animated films or exclusively live action?

5. Would you like to see interviews with the stars of movies or put actors of more minor characters in the spotlight?

6. Would you prefer to read a physical magazine or a digital one online?

7.  How much would you be willing to pay for this magazine?

8. What would you expect to see on the cover of the magazine?

9.  Would you like to see contests in the magazine?

10. Would you be interested in reading this magazine?

Tuesday 18 September 2018

Initial Research For a New Film Magazine

Empire is a British film magazine that publishes a new issue every month and is published by Bauer Consumer Media, although it was originally published by Emap Consumer Media however they were brought by Bauer Media Group in 2008. The first issue of Empire was published in July 1989, 29 years ago, and was edited by Barry McIlheney. Empire magazines contain a variety of content from film news, reviews and previews to countdowns for movie related topics different topics. Issues also contain interview segments with actors, directors and other celebrities such as a segment called 'How Much Is A Pint Of Milk?' in which celebrities are asked 'silly' questions. Most issues of Empire contain a feature known as 'The Empire Masterpiece' which is a two page essay on a film that is randomly selected by Empire.

This specific issue featured in the picture is issue 255was published in September 2010 and was edited by Mark Dinning. The main colour used on the cover of the magazine is red. The magazine cover features an image of Scott Pilgrim from the movie 'Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World' as well as the title of said film. The cover of the magazine is stylised similar to the movie that it is promoting, as both heavily use the colour red and similar 'cartoonish' fonts, which makes the film on the cover more recognisable.The cover also shows some of the other contents inside the magazine which cover other films. Readers who like multiple of the movies featured or stated on the cover will be more likely to buy the magazine.

Total Film is another British film magazine. Total Film is also published monthly but also has a special summer issue that is published once a year, the magazines are published by Future Publishing. The first issue was published in February 1997 and the first summer special issue was published in 2004, digital versions of the issues are available on the iPad. Total Film magazines contain interviews with actors and directors, similar to Empire, as well as 'the making of' 'on-set' sections regarding new or upcoming films. a major feature in every issue of Total Film is the 'Total Film Interview' which is an six page long in-depth interview with and actor or director. Issues also have section that contains letters, emails and feedback from readers. Total Film also contains some other regular features such as 'Ever Met Tom Cruise?' which are interviews with behind the scenes crew, 'You Talkin' To Me?' where celebrities answer question posed as movie quotes and the '60 Second Screenplay' which is a cut-down version of a movie script that is meant to be humorous. Total Film has a wide variety of features and segments, similar to Empire.

The issue of Total Film depicted is depicts Deadpool on the cover. 'Deadpool' is a mix of a comedy and action movie similar to 'Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World', however the way Total Film depicts Deadpool is very different to the way Empire depicts Scott Pilgrim. The actual image used focuses more on the comedy part of the film opposed to the action as it shows Deadpool holding a water gun. The style of the magazine's cover remains the same rather then change to fit the film's style, unlike Empire. A lot of the font is in green which is a direct contrast to Deadpool himself, who is red, other font colours used are black and white which all go well with each other but make Deadpool stand out more on the cover, in turn making him more noticeable which will draw the attention of fans of the character. The cover also contains a lot more text then Empire's cover and thus provides more information about the contents of the magazine.

Wednesday 12 September 2018

All About Me

All About Me

My name is Joshua Martin. I am 17 years old and my birthday is on September 12th. I live with my parents and my two younger brothers who are twins and are 14 years old. In my free time I like to play video games and my favourite game series is Persona and I am attempting to train myself to play Super Smash Bros as a competitive ESport. I also like to watch TV and YouTube and I also like to make content for my own YouTube whenever I have the time to. I previously went to Edenham High School which has now become Orchard Park High School. The subjects I am studying at college are computing, media and film.