Thursday 15 November 2018

Radio Advertising

3 different advertising structures:

One-off advertisements are outside of an advertising campaign and not linked to any other adverts. They are usually used for a special promotion on a product. One-off ads are used to advertise a certain product and are usually the only advertisement for that product

Part of a Series:
Series ads are advertisements that link together and are often part of a larger advertising campaign for the product or the brand in general. Advertisements in a series are often similar to each other so that they are recognisable and can instantly be linked with the brand/product.

Drama advertisements are designed to be entertaining or inspirational and can contain a lot of music and sounds. They often have a dramatic voiceover

Sound Bed:

A sound bed is the collection of different sounds that play throughout a piece of media (sound effects, music, dialogue)

Diegetic Sound: Sound thats source is inside the media and can be heard by the characters featured

Non-Diegetic Sound: Sound that has been added in editing and the source is not inside the media. Can only be heard by the audience

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